Caregiving QuestionsChallenging RelationshipsRomantic
What advice would you give to a soon-to-be married couple?

What advice would you give to a soon-to-be married couple?

Hello! My name is Annette Kuiper. I’ve been blessed from the Lord to be married for 3 years now to a my husband, Tim. I’m 28 years old and am the oldest of 5 children. I’ve grown up in Michigan all my life. My younger brother is getting married this year, and I came up with a letter called “Advice From Your Older Sister”. It was meant to bring up subjects to think and talk about as he is anticipating married life. Now they might help you as well.

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Every four days, Steve shouldered a large jug of water and carried it to a building behind the pharmacy. The customer was an older woman, perhaps in her seventies, who lived alone in a dark, sparse and tarnished apartment. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling. The wall paper was stained and peeling. The shades were drawn, and the room was shadowy. Steve would deliver the jug, receive the payment, thank the woman and leave.