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James Cook says in our book, The Compassionate Congregation, “The most difficult time for my wife, Jean, and me was...
James Cook says in our book, The Compassionate Congregation, “The most difficult time for my wife, Jean, and me was...
“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me.” ~Jim Valvano
Fathers’ Day is June 16; so Fathers don’t forget that Fathers’ Day is a perfect time to tell your children that you are proud of them. Yes you heard me right: Fathers’ Day is a perfect time to tell your children that you are proud of them.
Affirm your children. Expressing praise may or may not come naturally to you, but it's important. Affirmation from Dad plays a big role in shaping a child's self-confidence and attitude. So here is a checklist which gives you 7 ways to affirm your child.
It is very difficult for a parent to accept caregiving from a child. George Schoengood says, “I am 91 years old. I...
Lillain Daniel, Pastor and author shares the following story and challenging question: There was a story a while...
From “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and It’s All Small Stuff” by Richard Carlson: An acquaintance of mine, whose...
When you go through a dark valley, when you struggle to find any joy, peace or light, and when you feel so alone,...
It looked like it was going to be an all-day dreary event, and I was already too sullen and crabby. Several years...