How can we care for and energize our pastors? Here are three creative ideas, shared by two experienced pastors.

  • Consider donating to my “book allowance.” I’d like to be able to order that book you ask about, or that I see someone else reading. It’ll be on my office shelf, I may use it for teaching, and illustrations will find their way into my teaching lessons and my sermons!


  • Please give me an entertainment budget. I’d like to take the other ministers in the village out to lunch once in a while. Sometimes I need to check in with people, and it’s best done in a public place; so, we go out for breakfast. It’s important that I be seen in the community, and I like to meet young people for ice cream or coffee. I’d appreciate a budget which would help pay for that.


  • We know you love us, and you may want to let us know that in a special way at Christmas. Sometimes we are overrun with sweets or nick-knacks at Christmastime. We often travel to family right after Christmas worship and we can’t take it all with us! An alternative would be to remember my family with a gift given in our honor to a local mission project.  We’d really appreciate it. You can bring me cookies in February or July, for no reason at all, and that would be lovely!


Help your pastor serve their flock with these three caring ideas.

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Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.


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