A Highly Valued Mother’s Day Gift
What is the best gift you can give your mother on Mother’s Day? I can only answer from my point of view and the...
What is the best gift you can give your mother on Mother’s Day? I can only answer from my point of view and the...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
After a boating accident, Jim spent many days in the hospital. One day his wife said to me, “Jim daily receives...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
My friend Krista was in Burger King with her two sons. One son, Benjamin, has autism and was having a difficult...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
What would you say, if asked to describe the meaning of Easter? And let's make it a bit of a challenge: your answer...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
He was a bad guy. That crooked crook, hanging on a cross next to Jesus was a real bad guy. As Max Lucado writes in...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
Today’s wisdom is from God: “God so loved the world that he gave us Jesus,” and Jesus shows us in his life, death...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
In Mark 8:34 Jesus says, “If any want to become my followers, let them take up their cross, deny themselves and...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
Donna shares, “With no apparent symptoms at the tender age of three and a half months our son, Justin, died. It...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
"what to do when" "what to say when" 122+ ways to care Abuse Aging and Elderly Autism Cancer Caregiving caregiving basics Children Christmas Death Depression Elderly encouragement forgiveness friendship gifts God Nudge Grief Grieving Helping Others Holidays Illness Karen Mulder Kindness Listen Parenting Prayer Racial Justice Relationships Respect the Grief Process Scripture simple ways to care Suicide