Aging & Elderly
Aging & ElderlyAlzheimer's DiseaseCaregiving Questions
What are the early signs of Alzheimers Disease?

What are the early signs of Alzheimers Disease?

Dear Karen,
How do I know if my mom has Alzheimer’s disease? What are some of the early signs of this disease? -Betty

Dear Betty:
Good question, Betty. Many people, including myself, want to know what signs to look for. For wisdom on this subject I went to wonderful resource, Coach Broyles’ Playbook for Alzheimer’s Caregivers. Frank Broyles, is Athletic Director Emeritus for the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. His wife, Barbara, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Frank says, “I had many questions and spent a lot of time looking for answers. What I learned is contained in my book, Playbook for Alzheimer’s Caregivers.”

One of the first topics which Coach Broyles deals with in his book is what signs to look for.

Aging & ElderlyCaregiving QuestionsChallenging RelationshipsChild and Parent
What advice do you give to an adult son who is being abused by his mother?

What advice do you give to an adult son who is being abused by his mother?

Dear Karen,

I have a friend who's elderly mother has always been emotionally controlling, abusive and just down right mean. I would describe her as "toxic", just full of venom. She seems to have never learned any other way to get her needs met. I would say she is mentally ill. Her son, my friend, is the only family member willing to make sure she is cared for. What is your advice for the son in this case... day after day, week after week subjected to the assaults to his heart, soul and humanity as he tries to do the right thing for his mother? - Sarah

Aging & ElderlyHolidaysWisdomWisdom Podcasts
Gifts for the Elderly Living in a Nursing Home

Gifts for the Elderly Living in a Nursing Home

Elderly people have their own unique needs and wants to consider when deciding on what to give them for Christmas. They will be delighted to receive a present that truly reflects your love and care, because it is tailored to their specific situation.

Some elderly people still live independently in their own homes, making one type of gift appropriate, while others reside in nursing homes and have a different set of Christmas wishes.

Aging & ElderlyOther Disabilities
Win-Win Situation

Win-Win Situation

I love the following true story written by Janet Clark from Hunnington, Indiana. It truly is a story of the family of God taking care of the care-giver and the care-receiver.

Janet says, I noticed that my friend Agnes was sounding and looking increasingly heavy-hearted about her husband's lack of social life since he became wheelchair-dependent. It finally occurred to me to just help his friends do what they probably wanted to do but didn't know how to get started.

Aging & ElderlyAlzheimer's DiseaseVisitation
Telling Life’s Stories

Telling Life’s Stories

Reminiscing is healthy! It's the process by which we make sense out of this mystery we call life. Reminiscing helps those who are older to find meaning and purpose in the years they have lived. It can create new levels of appreciation and intimacy between generations and can transform times spent beside beds or other visits into memorable times together.

The following questions will provide you with hours of worthwhile communication. If possible, tape or write down your discussions. Then the stories can be shared with other family members and friends.