the wisdom blog
Worrying and Doing It “My” Way
by Larry George Are you a worrier? Or a fix-it person? Well, I am both. When I see a problem or a situation, I can...
Guest Author | 4 min read
Seeing the Light of God in Everyone: Disrupting Racism
Guest post by: Jane DickieIt was a dark rainy November night when I got lost in a black neighborhood on my way to...
Guest Author | 4 min read
How to Care for a Friend Who is Grieving This Christmas
Christmas is an especially difficult holiday when there is an empty chair at the table following the death of a...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
Let’s Make Every Day World Kindness Day
We have a saying in our ministry: “Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.” This is a perfect time to...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
I Love a Walk in the Woods
Recently on a cool, fall morning Larry and I took a walk on the wooded trails of Pigeon Creek Park. I found myself...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
Be Your Own Care Well Team with These Three Fun Ideas
By Larry George I remember when my dad lived in a skilled nursing facility. The drive for my family was...
Guest Author | 4 min read
Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There
So far as we know, Jesus’ brothers and sisters were not present at the crucifixion. With one exception, his...
Louis Lotz | 2 min read
Bearing Someone Else’s Cross
There are some big, imposing characters in the Bible - Moses, David, Peter, Paul. But there are also little people...
Louis Lotz | 3 min read

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