Christmas is an especially difficult holiday when there is an empty chair at the table following the death of a loved one. One of the deep needs of a grieving person is to know that others are walking with them on the grief journey. To acknowledge a friend’s grief is a gift that many won’t think to offer.
One way to recognize your friend’s grief this Christmas season is to offer one a gift from the online retailer of remembrance gifts, laurelbox. I first discovered laurelbox when shopping for a caring gift for a bereaved friend and was just so impressed with the company’s mission of caring for those who have suffered a loss.
Many of the laurelbox gifts are related to the theme of caring for someone who has experienced a loss around Christmas or Mother’s Day. To personalize this gift, I suggest writing a heartfelt note. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Write an “I Remember” note. When you purchase a gift, personalize it by included an “I remember. . .” story. Share a fun or meaningful memory about the deceased. Sharing your fond memories gives the grieving person a treasured Christmas present.

Offer a note of remembrance. If you choose some type of ornament you might write, “When you see and touch this ornament on your tree, please remember that I love you.” Or, you could write, “When you hang this ornament on your tree, think of the things you loved most about (insert deceased’s name) and may you remember them with love.”
Provide encouragement. For the grieving, it can be difficult to see brighter days ahead. Consider giving a grieving friend a gift to offer support and encouragement. Offer them comfort when you write, “During this holiday season, may you look for and see some glimpses of light for your future. I will walk this journey with you.”
When a friend is grieving during the holidays, we are often tempted not to say anything because we don’t want to upset them. Yet, when I talk with grieving people, they say they want memories of their loved ones to live on. So when you honor the deceased with a thoughtful gift and note, you are indeed giving a meaningful present this holiday season.
For more ideas on caring for others during the holiday season, please see, 25+ Ways to Care This Christmas.
Updated 2022
It’s not easy only God can comfort,in 1999 I lost my mother I cried 1week after burial I thought I will not heal but God permitted it and then showed me his way and truth about him,I find greatest peace on who does not change,I stayed focus on God and I started living each day by grace because no one is leaving forever more, so no matter what the situation looks like let God work and if you compare God’s greatest power to situation you realize that God is above all things.
The bible says we should love each other like brothers and sisters, love is kind and love is patient. I would love to be apart of this.