Life’s Journey
Life is like a journey on a train with its stations, with changes of routes and with accidents! At birth, we...
Life is like a journey on a train with its stations, with changes of routes and with accidents! At birth, we...
Are you afraid? Anxious? Overwhelmed? There is wisdom for you in the following legend of the Cherokee...
We all know the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12) It sounds...
What is in your Bible? A faded dry flower? A note? A special picture? Recently at Bible study, Dori gently...
Are we teaching our children to hate? Please carefully consider the words in the following song called,...
What about those who die with no faith? You might say, “My husband never prayed. My grandpa never worshiped. My...
Dear Karen:
I have been a caregiver for 15 years. I recently had to assist in reporting a case of elder abuse. It was not physical abuse, but my patient’s grand children were taking money from her without her permission. My patient has dementia. Someone else reported the stealing, I just verified the facts, and the family blamed me. They assumed I made the initial call. I told them that I spoke to the agency involved—legally I had to reveal the facts as I saw them. I’ve been treated terribly. I had to resign. My heart is broken. How do you cope with the sudden separation? I acted out of concern for my patient. Now she will be placed in assisted living—a far cry from the life she is accustomed to. Her husband will remain in a long term rehab center and will not be able to join his wife. She will wither and die because her children are not active in her life. I am asking God to show me how to understand.