Karen Mulder
Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.
General CaregivingHolidaysWisdom
How can one make the Advent season and Christmas a joy-filled meaningful celebration when one is alone and lonely?

How can one make the Advent season and Christmas a joy-filled meaningful celebration when one is alone and lonely?

I like the answer which Barbara Baumgardner, gives us in her story, “The Aroma of Christmas.”

The first Christmas after my husband died was filled with forced laughter, fake smiles and trying desperately to have a good time.

Twelve months later healing was evidenced by the excitement welling up with me as I prepared for a grand and glorious holiday. The kids and grandchildren were coming to spend Christmas at my home.

HolidaysWisdomWisdom Podcasts
How Can We Model the True Meaning of Christmas with our Families?

How Can We Model the True Meaning of Christmas with our Families?

One way we can model Christian Caregiving at Christmas time is a tradition which we have done in our family for 20 years. Early in Advent we send each child and grandchild the following letter. Then on Christmas, each person describes the gift which he or she has chosen, and how the gift will help to improve someone's life. Then on a large world map, the person indicates with a star sticker where her or his gift is going. Then he or she lights a small votive candle, which reminds us that we are called to be "lights" in God's world.

Reclaiming Christmas

Reclaiming Christmas

Dreading the coming Christmas season? Are the joys of reuniting with family and friends diminished by the pressures of the ever growing to-do list? Are you totally exhausted by the time the baubles are packed away and the gifts returned? Especially for Christians, we often feel like we have missed the mark when it comes to our advent celebrations.

In her book, Reclaiming Christmas, How to Creatively Celebrate the Season that has Become Excessmas, author Ginger Jurries offers sage advice and meaningful alternatives to this often draining time of the year.