Please Read to Me
Emily Dickinson said in one of her poems, “There is no frigate like a book to take us miles away.” Reading to...
Emily Dickinson said in one of her poems, “There is no frigate like a book to take us miles away.” Reading to...
When I was ill with a terrible cold—the kind that makes you feel miserable and you can barely move your body from...
My friend Krista was in Burger King with her two sons. One son, Benjamin, has autism and was having a difficult...
If a group of friends or a church family want to be helpful and caring to a person who is homebound for a few weeks...
Do you ever say to a suffering friend, “Call me anytime if I can help you in any way.” As a caregiver, you may...
What would you say, if asked to describe the meaning of Easter? And let's make it a bit of a challenge: your answer...
He was a bad guy. That crooked crook, hanging on a cross next to Jesus was a real bad guy. As Max Lucado writes in...
Today’s wisdom is from God: “God so loved the world that he gave us Jesus,” and Jesus shows us in his life, death...