A Guest Post by Rodger Price

What would you say is the opposite of fear? Think about that for a moment.

Fear is a powerful force inside all of us to one degree or another. People that are going through difficult times – whether from the loss of a loved one, or the facing of an illness, or any of a multitude of difficulties – are naturally going to be steeped in fear.

So what is the opposite of fear? Maybe I’m wrong, but my answer is also the antidote to fear.

My answer is faith. When I have faith in myself, or faith in my doctors, or faith that my savior will not leave me alone, then I’m not afraid.

This kind of faith is hard. This kind of faith is rare.

“Keep the faith” is much needed expression when going through difficult times. These are the times when I’m most likely to lose my faith.

What can you do to keep your faith? One of the things I do is ask God for it. “Lord, give me strong faith.”

Rodger Price

Rodger Price

Rodger is the founder of Leading by DESIGN, an executive development firm, and believes many of the philosophies and techniques needed for caring well are also needed for leading well. He is also the author of Faith and Physics Uncovered which tells the story of how physics led him to make his ultimate decision about faith.


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