A Healthy Riddle
What can you give someone that is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, non-fattening, no preservatives and 100%...
What can you give someone that is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, non-fattening, no preservatives and 100%...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
On the way home from a conference, Don Piper’s car was crushed by a semi that crossed into his lane. After 34...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
Affirm your children. Expressing praise may or may not come naturally to you, but it's important. Affirmation from Dad plays a big role in shaping a child's self-confidence and attitude. So here is a checklist which gives you 7 ways to affirm your child.
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
"what to do when" "what to say when" 122+ ways to care Abuse Aging and Elderly Autism Cancer Caregiving caregiving basics Children Christmas Death Depression Elderly encouragement forgiveness friendship gifts God Nudge Grief Grieving Helping Others Holidays Illness Karen Mulder Kindness Listen Parenting Prayer Racial Justice Relationships Respect the Grief Process Scripture simple ways to care Suicide