TAG: Grief
Caregiving QuestionsDeath
How do I help my sister who’s son was killed 4 years ago?

How do I help my sister who’s son was killed 4 years ago?

Dear Karen:

My sister's son was involved in a gang and was killed 4 years ago. She has not moved forward in her life and is still so crushed by this tragedy. She nor he is/was a believer so it is hard for me to give her comfort. I just let her know I love her but as far as heaven there is no hope. What can I share with her to help her to move forward and try to maybe use this to help others.

DeathHolidaysRespect the Grief Journey
Handling the Holiday When Grief is a Visitor

Handling the Holiday When Grief is a Visitor

By Father Charles Hudson. Source from Reclaiming Christmas, by Ginger Jurries. When faced with the loss of a loved one we are forced to make a decision to help ourselves move through the pain. The holidays increase the pain because they validate the absence and the death of our child or sibling (or mate) and challenge us to make some basic decisions on just how we will get through the next few weeks. I would like to make a few suggestions for you to ponder and decide upon as the holidays descend upon us.