Older People Have Ears and Feelings
Do we sometimes forget that older people have ears and feelings? Please remember that even though an elderly person...
Do we sometimes forget that older people have ears and feelings? Please remember that even though an elderly person...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
Why continue to visit a person when they do not respond? Elizabeth A. Havey, author of the blog Boomer Highway,...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
Garvin, my brother-in-law had been suffering from dementia for approximately 7 years. With each year, we saw a...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
Holidays are memory days. But not for people with dementia.“Do you remember the year the tree fell over…when the cousins stayed for all eight days…when Santa forgot to eat the cookies and the kids cried…”Holidays, especially the Christmas holiday are a tapestry woven with memories. So what happens when your mom or dad or loved one has lost those memories and you want to spend time with them.
Karen Mulder | 4 min read
Elderly people have their own unique needs and wants to consider when deciding on what to give them for Christmas. They will be delighted to receive a present that truly reflects your love and care, because it is tailored to their specific situation.
Some elderly people still live independently in their own homes, making one type of gift appropriate, while others reside in nursing homes and have a different set of Christmas wishes.
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
"what to do when" "what to say when" 122+ ways to care Abuse Aging and Elderly Autism Cancer Caregiving caregiving basics Children Christmas Death Depression Elderly encouragement forgiveness friendship gifts God Nudge Grief Grieving Helping Others Holidays Illness Karen Mulder Kindness Listen Parenting Prayer Racial Justice Relationships Respect the Grief Process Scripture simple ways to care Suicide