Jesus says, “Forgive one another as I have forgiven you.”

Ernest Hemingway wrote a short story called “The Capital of the World.”  In this story, Hemingway told the story of a father and his teenage son.  The son had sinned against his father and in his shame he ran away from home.  The father searched all over Spain for him, but still he could not find the boy.  Finally, in the city of Madrid, in a last desperate attempt to find his son, the father placed an ad in the daily newspaper.  The ad read:


The father prayed that maybe the boy would see the ad and maybe,  just maybe, he would come to the Hotel Montana.

On Tuesday, the father in Ernest Hemingway’s story arrived at the Hotel Montana and he could not believe his eyes.  A squadron of police officers had been called out to keep order among the eight hundred young boys named “Paco” who had come to meet their father in front of the Hotel Montana.  Eight hundred boys named Paco read the ad in the newspaper and hoped it was for them.  Eight hundred “Pacos” came to receive the forgiveness they so desperately needed.

Who do you need to forgive?  Seek out that person while there is time.  God Bless.

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.


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