Alternative Gifts
Gifts were originally given shortly after Christ’s birth by the wise men. They each had significance and were no...
Gifts were originally given shortly after Christ’s birth by the wise men. They each had significance and were no...
Karen Mulder | 4 min read
I love the following true story written by Janet Clark from Hunnington, Indiana. It truly is a story of the family of God taking care of the care-giver and the care-receiver.
Janet says, I noticed that my friend Agnes was sounding and looking increasingly heavy-hearted about her husband's lack of social life since he became wheelchair-dependent. It finally occurred to me to just help his friends do what they probably wanted to do but didn't know how to get started.
Karen Mulder | 4 min read
Too often I am the person (like the Levite and Priest in the Good Samaritan story) who sees and hears about someone who is suffering, and passes by on the other side of the street. One of those times was just three weeks ago. Larry, my husband, and I were walking a bike path, and suddenly I saw ahead this person all bent over doing something...
Karen Mulder | 3 min read
Consider ways to combine your hobbies, talents and passions with your caring for those who suffer. To explore this...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
1. You don't have to devote your entire life to the "cause." You are free to devote as much as you want or to get...
Karen Mulder | 3 min read
Behavioral signs of physical abuse
-avoids physical contact with others
-apprehensive when other children cry
-wears clothing to purposely conceal injury, i.e. long sleeves
-refuses to undress for gym or for required physical exams at school
-gives inconsistent versions about occurrence of injuries, burns, etc
-seems frightened by parents
-often late or absent from school
-comes early to school, seems reluctant to go home afterwards
-has difficulty getting along with others
-little respect for others
-overly compliant, withdrawn, gives in readily and allows others to do for him/her
without protest
Karen Mulder | 3 min read
If you answered "yes" to even one of these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship.
Does your partner...
Embarrass you will put-downs?
Look at you or act in ways that scare you?
Control what you do, who you see, or talk to or where you go?
Stop you from seeing your friends or family members?
Take your money or Social Security check and make you ask for money or refuse to to give you money?
Make all of the decisions?
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
Reminiscing is healthy! It's the process by which we make sense out of this mystery we call life. Reminiscing helps those who are older to find meaning and purpose in the years they have lived. It can create new levels of appreciation and intimacy between generations and can transform times spent beside beds or other visits into memorable times together.
The following questions will provide you with hours of worthwhile communication. If possible, tape or write down your discussions. Then the stories can be shared with other family members and friends.
Karen Mulder | 4 min read
"what to do when" "what to say when" 122+ ways to care Abuse Aging and Elderly Autism Cancer Caregiving caregiving basics Children Christmas Death Depression Elderly encouragement forgiveness friendship gifts God Nudge Grief Grieving Helping Others Holidays Illness Karen Mulder Kindness Listen Parenting Prayer Racial Justice Relationships Respect the Grief Process Scripture simple ways to care Suicide