General CaregivingGod NudgeWisdomWisdom Podcasts
Does God Still Speak To Us Today? by Bill Hybels

Does God Still Speak To Us Today? by Bill Hybels

Bill Hybels recalls a life changing moment for him when he was a second grader. His teacher, Miss Van Soelen was reading a Bible story from 1 Samuel 3:1-10 to the class. This is the story where the Lord keeps calling Samuel. After three times, Samuel realizes it is the Lord and says: “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

After the reading, Bill approached his teacher and being amazed that God would speak to a boy, Samuel; he asked her, “Does God still speak to little boys today?” “Absolutely, God still speaks” she answered. She reached into her desk drawer and gave him a piece of paper.

AbuseWisdomWisdom Podcasts
An Elephant, A Chain & Freedom

An Elephant, A Chain & Freedom

Can a bicycle chain hold an elephant in place? Yes it can!

Josh McDowell tells a story about a chained elephant which reminds us of some adults who are chained to their horrific past of physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Josh writes:

“We’re like a circus elephant tied down by a bicycle chain. We ask how one small chain could hold a powerful elephant. The trainer explains that the chain doesn’t hold him; it’s the elephant’s memory that keeps him from trying to escape.