A Powerful Painkiller
We all know the power of a good story, but did you know that a good story is a powerful painkiller? Helen Mullen, a...
We all know the power of a good story, but did you know that a good story is a powerful painkiller? Helen Mullen, a...
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
With over 13.7 million single parents in the United States, we all have seen or experienced the pressures of single parenting. Amanda writes that single parenting is “an overwhelming, exhausting job. Sometimes it feels like I have the whole world on my shoulders.”
Giving yourself a little space as a single parent is so important. It helps ensure that you offer your kids and others the best of who you are.
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
My wife, Karen, speaks of “God Nudges” from time to time. I usually reference her nudges to something she read out of her Bible, some verse out of Jerimiah or Corinthians, out of devotional books, or the like. However, I recently discovered that sometimes these nudges have secular roots. Like from out of The New York Times.
Guest Author | 2 min read
My life as a boy was filled with violence, blood and hiding places. My siblings and I were shuffled back and forth between our violent-alcoholic parents and a terribly abusive orphanage.
I carried the abuse inside me like a brick. I felt like I had so many bad secrets that I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, and I was so scared to let them slip that I stopped talking.
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
A story from Margaret Stanner, as told to Karen Mulder. Where in the Bible does it say, “When a person reaches the...
Karen Mulder | 3 min read
Saturday, I received a rare and wonderful gift. What was this rare and wonderful gift which I received? It was a...
Karen Mulder | 2 min read
I have regrets. I wish that I would have communicated with my brother more during his last years of struggling with Parkinson’s disease. I regret that I didn’t visit my step father more frequently after my mother died. I procrastinated too long and too often and now it is too late. So today, I am listening to the wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson who says, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
Karen Mulder | 1 min read
Every year 800,000 people become widows and widowers in the United States. We all probably know someone whose...
Guest Author | 2 min read
"what to do when" "what to say when" 122+ ways to care Abuse Aging and Elderly Autism Cancer Caregiving caregiving basics Children Christmas Death Depression Elderly encouragement forgiveness friendship gifts God Nudge Grief Grieving Helping Others Holidays Illness Karen Mulder Kindness Listen Parenting Prayer Racial Justice Relationships Respect the Grief Process Scripture simple ways to care Suicide