Alternative Gifts
Gifts were originally given shortly after Christ’s birth by the wise men. They each had significance and were no...
Gifts were originally given shortly after Christ’s birth by the wise men. They each had significance and were no...
I love the following true story written by Janet Clark from Hunnington, Indiana. It truly is a story of the family of God taking care of the care-giver and the care-receiver.
Janet says, I noticed that my friend Agnes was sounding and looking increasingly heavy-hearted about her husband's lack of social life since he became wheelchair-dependent. It finally occurred to me to just help his friends do what they probably wanted to do but didn't know how to get started.
Too often I am the person (like the Levite and Priest in the Good Samaritan story) who sees and hears about someone who is suffering, and passes by on the other side of the street. One of those times was just three weeks ago. Larry, my husband, and I were walking a bike path, and suddenly I saw ahead this person all bent over doing something...
Consider ways to combine your hobbies, talents and passions with your caring for those who suffer. To explore this...
1. You don't have to devote your entire life to the "cause." You are free to devote as much as you want or to get...
"How are you doing? she asked. "I heard about the death of your grandmother and have been thinking about you." My...
What you say. What you don't say. What you do. What you don't do causes a ripple effect. Are you kicking someone's cat?
DO Start off the conversations with "I've been thinking about you." or "How are you doing today?" Offer to help...