How To Help A Lonely Person
Two are better than one, for if one falls down, the other will help him up. But pity the person who falls and has...
Two are better than one, for if one falls down, the other will help him up. But pity the person who falls and has...
Do you want to have some fun today? Then plan a “Random act of Kindness.” You know – the act of kindness you do for someone, especially someone who is suffering, but you don’t let them know who you are. For example:
◾Leave bags of groceries on the porch of a family where there is an unemployed person.
◾Leave a bouquet of flowers on the porch of someone who is grieving.
◾Send a single mom some movie tickets or bowling coupons.
Jim Kok says, “A friend of mine arrived at church early for a meeting, so she sat in her car listening to the radio. Someone pulled in and parked next to her. My friend turned and smiled. A few minutes later there was a knock on her window. It was the person she’d smiled at. ‘Thank you for smiling,’ she said. ‘I’ve had some very bad news today, and your smile just lifted my spirits.’ Yes, a smile can work wonders.”
How are you today? You may be worried about a job, a relationship, illness, fears about aging, trouble with kids, aging parents, an old hurt, or just “the blues.” Life sometimes knocks us down. It happens to everyone. The key is to get back up and keep moving. The psalmist offers a simple formula for getting through tough times:
Edna says, “First, I lost my mom, then four years later my husband and then three years after that my dad died. I...
A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As...
Dee, who is dying from cancer, says in the novel Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter, “Individuals ask me, how ARE...
A young woman relates that when she was a little girl, her father, an artist, would often be busy at his easel...