Which day of the week is the loneliest day for widows and widowers?

Here is what a few grieving spouses have shared with me about feeling lonely.

Glenda’s husband was killed in a private plane crash, and she says, “I was completely devastated. It took about fifteen months before I was able to function in a fairly normal capacity without breaking into tears.”

 “There was a significant letdown after the funeral when friends return to the living of their own lives,” Glenda continues.  In addition to those “special” days like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays, widowed persons say that Sunday is the loneliest day of the week.  Therefore, Glenda suggests, “offer to meet the person at church.  (I did not want to sit alone and needed incentive to go since I was angry at God).”  Also, knowing how lonely Sundays can be, she encourages friends to invite the alone person to Sunday Brunch.

Another widower shared, “Invite the grieving person to attend church with you, and offer to pick him or her up since this encourages him or her to keep the date.”

And here’s a suggestion from me: if you notice a person sitting alone in church, join them.   They won’t feel so alone and lonely. This is true for everyone, not just widows and widowers.

God Bless.

Updated 2024

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.


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