“They Were Praying!”
Do you ever check in with someone after a prayer request? Here's a story from my own personal experience that...
Do you ever check in with someone after a prayer request? Here's a story from my own personal experience that...
Do you ever sincerely tell someone, “I'll pray for you,” and then forget to pray? I often do just that: I say, “I...
Editor's Note: The suggestions below come to us from Krista Mason, the mother of a child who has autism. She is the...
Do we sometimes forget that older people have ears and feelings? Please remember that even though an elderly person...
I was born legally blind and became functionally blind at age thrity-two. I have a very supportive husband, two children , and a leader dog. I function very well as director of disabled students at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Although I have obviously become sensitized to people with disabilities, I still make mistakes in dealing with my students. I have learned caregiving in an area that takes constant correction. I have found that it is important to give myself permission to make mistakes.
What do we see as we care for a person who is suffering? Do you see that person as a burden, an irritation, an interruption, or an old needy person? As caregivers--whether we are caring for a co-worker who is going through a divorce, or a friend who has cancer, or caring-full-time for a spouse or parent--we need to remember that the person is first of all a child created by God.
Editor's Note: The following article is excerpted from the TEDx talk, "How to Comfort a Grieving Teen" by Bridget...
Victor Parachin, who is an ordained minister and has written several books on grieving, reminds us that too often...