Caring Acts – Today, and Every Day

by General Caregiving, Practical Guidance0 comments

Did you know that June 7 is World Caring Day?  

World Caring Day seeks to highlight and celebrate the many ways we connect and show each other care. This is a “holiday” that I certainly endorse! But instead of celebrating only once a year, I suggest that we make caring for others an ongoing habit. I’ve selected several of my favorite ways to care for others as inspiration for you to do the same.

  1. One of the most powerful ways to care for another person is to listen, really listen, to their stories. Encourage someone who is struggling to share their story and then listen. Ask, “What do you feel like talking about today?” or “What worries you the most?” Or say, “Tell me about . . .” 
  2. Whenever you interact with a service provider, no matter how briefly (cashier, waiter/waitress, Uber driver, etc.), use their name as a sign of respect and connection. 
  3. Who haven’t you heard from in a while? Send them a “thinking of you” text. 
  4. As a family, decorate bags for a program that provides sack lunches for kids during the summertime. Locally, we have done this for Kid’s Food Basket.
  5. Surprise a lonely or sad person by delivering a Soup, Bread, and Fruit Basket. (Consider using items from Panera Bread or Zoup! and fruit from your local farmer’s market.) 
  6. Compliment three people today. Or make it a caring habit to compliment at least one person each day for the next month.
  7. Plant a flowering bush in memory of a family member or friend.  Then share special memories of that person with those who grieve their loss. 
  8. “Take-A-Break” card. Send a gift card (ice cream, movies, etc.) to a friend who’s going through a tough time, with a note inviting them to “take a break” from their worries, sadness, or stress. 
  9. Invite someone who is sad or lonely to your home for popcorn and a movie. 

On World Caring Day—and everyday—let’s all do our part to care for each other; for, as a wise person in Ecclesiastes says, “Two are better than one; for if one falls down the other can pick him up but pity the person who falls and has no one to pick her up.” 

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.


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