About the Ministry
Wisdom of the Wounded was founded on Karen Mulder’s belief that we can care well for one another in the midst of pain by sharing our stories. In her own life, Karen has found that those who have actually been in a crisis offer the best advice on how to help others walk through a similar experience.
At Wisdom of the Wounded, you’ll find the inspiration, knowledge, and skills you need to become a more compassionate and caring friend to those in need. All of the wisdom shared here comes from real stories of pain and hope.
Karen was originally inspired to share these stories during a Bible Study she led on Luke 13 over 25 years ago. “Jesus sees the woman who’s all bent over and hasn’t been able to stand straight for 18 years,” explains Karen. “I asked these women, ‘When have you felt like that— maybe not physically, but mentally, spiritually or emotionally—when you were so bent over it was hard to face the day?’
As women shared their stories, Karen asked them to also share the care that loved ones offered that made a difference. Their answers encouraged Karen on her own journey of hope in the midst of pain.
From there, Karen continued looking for ways to care well. Graduating from Western Theological Seminary with a focus in pastoral care in 1991, she went on to publish The Compassionate Congregation with Ginger Jurries in 2002 and began her Wisdom of the Wounded radio show in 2011. Through it all, she’s hosted workshops, written articles, and shared stories with the desire to help people care for one another in their hurts. That is her passion and calling. That is why Wisdom of the Wounded exists.
Learn more about Karen Mulder, or invite her to speak to your church or community group.
Meet Our

Jennifer Miller
managing editor and prone to laughter

Chris Marlink
digital strategist + dad joke enthusiast

Jeri Mulder
brand officer and certified dog whisperer

Andrea Oade
organizer extraordinaire
Meet Our

122+ Ways to Care Well
Our friend has cancer. Our neighbor is unemployed. Our parent is elderly.
Individuals who need our comfort and care are all around us. The problem, however, arises when our hearts say, “Go,” but our heads say, “No.” We may tend to avoid these situations because we don’t know what to say or do.
Does that sound familiar to you?
That’s why Ginger Jurries and I wrote 109+Ways to Say, “I Care” in our book The Compassionate Congregation. Now I’ve taken these 109+ ideas and have expanded on them in podcasts and other posts. There is also a free e-book, which you can view/download here! It’s my hope that as you read through this menu of ideas some of the suggestions will inspire you to say “I can do that!” “I can do that for my friend who is suffering.”