What Can I Do for My Country?

by General Caregiving, Wisdom0 comments

What can I do for my country? Maybe that is the question each of us should be asking ourselves instead of demanding that our country, our government, solve all of our problems.

David Brooks asks, “What can you do in your communities to heal those who suffer from addiction, broken homes, trauma, prison and loss?”

Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things on this earth. We can only do little things with great love.”

Richard Carlson says in his book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. . .,”A friend once told me, ‘I want my life to be about service, but I can’t do anything yet. Someday when I’ve been really successful, I’ll do lots of things for others.’ Richard, says, “Meanwhile, there are hungry people in the streets, elderly people who could use some company, mothers who need help with their children, people who can’t read, neighbors whose homes need paint, streets with litter, people who need to be listened to, and thousands and thousands of other little things that need to be done.”

Mother Teresa was right. Maybe we can’t change our country or the world, but we can do what we can do to make our communities a brighter healthier place for all.

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.


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