Guest post by Rodger Price, Executive Coach

Have you ever noticed that you can “listen someone into” a great solution? I know the grammar of that sentence isn’t that great, but I really like that expression.

It turns out that most people can find their own solutions for the issues they face. It’s also true that many people don’t know they have their own solutions inside them.

It’s not until somebody provides the opportunity for them to talk through it, or to think out loud— without anyone offering them advice—that they will discover just the wisdom they need. The wisdom has been within them all along.

Of course you may think that you have the perfect solution for them, but that would be based on your unique personality and talents. But they have their own unique personality and talents and, as such, your solutions may not work well for them.

“Listening them into” their own good solution brings several advantages. These include:

  • Having greater buy-in for the solution because they came up with it themselves.
  • Growing their confidence in themselves because they found their own solution.
  • Strengthening their ability to solve future issues that they will face because they exercised their problem-solving muscles.
  • They will also feel loved by you when you have provided them the save space to be heard, explored and affirmed.

What do you think would happen if you gave this a try over the next few days? Why not find out?


About the author: Rodger Price is an executive coach and author. He owns and leads Leading by DESIGN, a company committed to helping West Michigan people become amazing leaders who drive for excellence while serving and caring for those in their charge.


Rodger Price

Rodger Price

Rodger is the founder of Leading by DESIGN, an executive development firm, and believes many of the philosophies and techniques needed for caring well are also needed for leading well. He is also the author of Faith and Physics Uncovered which tells the story of how physics led him to make his ultimate decision about faith.


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