Crazy, Weak, and Worthless?

by Depression, Wisdom0 comments


Even attempting to define the condition is painful for me. Our world does not accept kindly those suffering from depression. We are looked upon as a bit “crazy”; weaklings who feel sorry for ourselves; people who forget to “count their blessings.”

To feel depressed is to be “blue” day after day; to experience tiredness that never goes away, not even after ten or twelve hours of sleep; to lack energy for even the smallest of chores; to not be enthusiastic about anything; to be unable to focus or concentrate; to turn molehills into mountains; to be overly sensitive to comments.

My feelings of worthlessness and loneliness were overwhelming. Each day I would pray that God would end my life; at times I even planned how I could do this. I felt like a failure who was all alone in this world.


Wisdom for the Caregiver (from Marianne)

Helpful support during these times came from friends who

  • called every morning to wake me.
  • extended words of love, care, and affirmation.
  • hugged or touched me (very powerful medicine)
  • encouraged me to see a professional for help and accompanied me on the first visit.
  • invited me to walk or engage in other types of physical activity.
  • asked for my help or assistance.   These requests added to my feelings of worthiness and also acted as a welcome distraction.
  • reached out over and over again.
  • prayed for me and with me.  (A dear sister-in-law who lives a great distance away would phone and end our visit with a prayer.  This touched me greatly.)
  • gave tangible inspiration (A friend gave me a daily devotion flip booklet entitled Never Alone: Comfort in Times of Need.  I still treasure this gift.)
  • The giving of patience, love and acceptance are gifts that transmit God’s love!

For more caregiving advice on caring for individuals who are depressed – Caring for Person with Depression


Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder

Karen Mulder is the founder of the Wisdom of the Wounded ministry. She lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Larry.